June 4 2023

 Today we rode from Kirksville, Missouri into Quincy Illinois. We finally have left the Missouri hills of Missouri. We did cross the Mississippi River as we entered Illinois. I did take a few pictures. I rode quite well today. I was able to finish the ride at 76 miles. The roads were quite more doable today. They were many Rollinghills, which I love to do. Although we did a fair amount of climbing today, it was not as difficult as it has been over the last couple of days. The weather remained quite warm, and today I had an ice sock placed under my jersey in the back which helped for a good 45 minutes to keep me cooler. As we approach to Illinois, so the temperature continue to increase. Once across the river we had about six or 7 miles left to go to the hotel. I rode quite slow through those miles as I was getting tired, and was very hungry. One of the things I have been doing on this trip is eating out lotta fast food restaurants. I look forward to not having to do that when I get home. The good thing is though, despite eating all that food, I am utilizing all those calories for my writing. Below are some pictures I’ve taken from today. I do want to give credit to some of my fellow riders as to some of the pictures I have been using they have been sharing. I also forgot to mention that today I saw a horse drawn carriage on one of the roads. I did include a picture.also, today we passed the 2000 mile mark of our trip.


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