June 6 2023

 Today we rode from Springfield, Illinois to Champaign Illinois. It was a total of 92 miles. It was a very pleasant ride over some nice country roads. Towards the end of the day, though it did get a little bit warmer, but not as warm as it has been in the desert. We saw lots of cornfield and other types of fields. I think some of it may have been alfalfa. There was not much climbing today which helped to make the ride much more pleasant. :-). Had a proximately mile 75 to 76. I all of a sudden had this incredible burst of energy and was riding quite fast. I subsequently found out that I had a tailwind. :-). I’m still telling people I was just riding fast.

Some of the pictures I enjoy taking our ones of water towers. I included one below. But I have taken several others as well. Also included below are some pictures of the other folks that I have been riding with at one of our SAG stops. Tomorrow is a rest day, which I am looking forward to. Additionally, today, my friend, Paul Kussell came in and we will ride the rest of the tour together.  He is the person who initially got me interested in doing this tour. 


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